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Data Skills

Whether you're new to data or looking to level up, our courses break down complex topics in a way that's easy to understand and apply. Learn, practice, and grow in a supportive and collaborative environment.


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What our Alumni think

In science, statistics, working with data, their visualization, and interpretation are considered key skills that (not only) young researchers often lack because no one systematically teaches them. I appreciate the effort to change this trend. The course opened doors to the world of data, helped me overcome the fear of learning a programming language, and created a community of data enthusiasts within which we can help each other.


PhD researcher in Pharmacogenetics

Účasť na Summer Data School mi otvorila dvere k novým možnostiam. Bola to skvelá príležitosť spoznať ľudí, s ktorými teraz spolupracujem na zaujímavých projektoch. Počas tohto intenzívneho týždňa som si osvojila prácu s Pythonom, čo mi pomohlo získať zručnosť, ktorú denne využívam pri mojom doktorandskom štúdiu – efektívne riešenie chýb (errorov) v Pythone. Summer Data School ma naučila, ako postupovať pri vykazovaní chýb, kde hľadať riešenia a ako ich implementovať.


PhD researcher in Biomedical Engineering

Winter Data School was an exceptional experience that helped me significantly deepen my knowledge in the field of data analysis. Even though I encountered almost all the topics during university, the practically oriented workshops advanced me considerably. As a bioinformatician at Multiplex Dx, I can now easily utilize methods from data preprocessing to machine learning to solve many problems. A great opportunity to learn from the best!


Bioinformatician at MultiplexDX

Summer Data School ma pozitívne prekvapilo svojim interaktívnym prístupom, vynikajúcimi lektormi a príjemnou a uvoľnenou atmosférou. Lektori sa nám venovali aj individuálne, korigovali naše chyby v kódovaní priamo počas prednášky. Ako biológ bez predchádzajúcej skúsenosti s programovaním v Pythone oceňujem prehľadnosť a podrobné vysvetlenie príkazov tak, že som tomu rozumela. Networking s ostatnými učastníkmi z iných odborov a s inými skúsenosťami bola príjemná čerešnička na torte.


Senior Researcher at Cancer Research Institute BMC SAS

Participating in Summer Data School 2023 provided me with a strong foundation in Python programming, enabling me to integrate data analysis into my research, whether processing data for my dissertation or publishing scientific articles. These skills helped me win the first prize for my poster presentation at an international conference in Milan, where I showcased the use of machine learning algorithms for the non-invasive diagnosis of endometrial cancer. My ability to combine data analysis with research was a key factor in securing my current position as an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Medical and Clinical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, UPJŠ. SDS also introduced me to an incredible community of data enthusiasts, offering invaluable advice and inspiration from experts across various fields.


Assistant Professor at the Institute of Medical and Clinical Biochemistry

A čo som si z SDS odniesol? Široký prehľad možností spracovávania dát s veľkým dôrazom na pridanú hodnotu, ktorú je možné vytvoriť kvalitnou dátovou analýzou s využitím najaktuálnejších trendov v danej oblasti. Pre mňa osobne bola najzaujímavejšia príležitosť spolupracovať s tímom podobne zmýšľajúcich ľudí na mini-hackathone, kde sme zúročili vedomosti nadobudnuté počas SDS a hľadali sme riešenie pre reálny problém na základe dát. Skvelo pripravený program, odborní prednášajúci s prístupom, ktorý umožní nahliadnuť do problematiky spracovania dát laikom, no vie posunúť aj expertov v danej oblasti, SDS je neoceniteľná skúsenosť, ktorú odporúčam každému.


PhD researcher in Advanced Materials

Už keď som sa dozvedel a prihlásil na Summer Data School, vedel som, že je to dobré rozhodnutie a zároveň rozumná investícia. 5 intenzívnych dní nabitých témami, ktoré aj absolventa s minimálnymi skúsenosťami uvedú do práce s dátami a vysvetlia, akú hodnotu prinášajú kvalitné dáta do všetkých sfér, ako biznis, zdravie, a ako významne data science zefektívňuje využívanie času a zdrojov. Machine Learning a vizualizácia dát boli podané geniálne. Skvelí mentori so skúsenosťami z praxe a vzdelaním svetovej kvality. Určite odporúčam!


Human physical performance testing and diagnostics

Why Learn With Us?

Expertly crafted resources

Our teaching materials form the core of our unique value, with extensive time and effort dedicated to their creation. Two versions of Python notebooks available will allow you to choose whether to focus on writing code with us or concentrate on the lessons and explanations.

Community Support

We're all about people and a welcoming learning environment. Our goal is to make you feel comfortable while you learn. We organise talks and networking events for our alumni, strengthening connections that last beyond the course. Collaboration is encouraged, both during and after the course, so you can support and grow with each other.

Guided and Modern Learning

No question is left unanswered. We're committed to interactive lecturing and discussion. We demonstrate real data problem-solving techniques using tools like ChatGPT to generate the code you need. When we teach the most essential concepts in data manipulation, statistics, or machine learning, we make sure everyone fully understands these topics before progressing.


We have the best memes to strengthen your knowledge and make you laugh. Analogies and funny moments are actually useful for memorization!


Imrich Berta

Applied mathematics graduate from University of Cambridge, experienced in machine learning models for disease prediction. Currently works as a consultant for the Slovak government on cancer epidemiology and public health. Actively mentors analysts and organizes coding workshops for students.


Laura Johanesová

Laura is a bioinformatician and biomedical scientist currently at the University of Vienna. The skills she has in R, Linux and Python are crucial for her research in regeneration. She works as a data scientist in startup Seerlinq.


Ján Dudek

Magna cum laude economics and econometrics graduate from Rice and Oxford. Improved the risk-equalization model at the Ministry of Health and implemented ML fraud detection algorithms in Slovak healthcare. Currently a senior data scientist specializing in the health insurance industry.


Jakub Červený

Government analyst and post-doctoral researcher at the Health Economics, Policy, and Innovation Institute (HEPII) at Masaryk University. He previously worked at the Medical University of Vienna and received his PhD degree from the Department of Economics at Tilburg University, the Netherlands, where he also received his MSc degree in Economics. His research interests include health economics, labour economics and applied microeconomics.


Scholarships for Students

Affordability of high-quality education for students and early academia is our top priority.

Get up to 800€ worth
of education for free!

For more information, please visit the course-specific pages.

Thanks to our partners and sponsors, we are able to provide scholarships to students (undergraguate, masters and PhD). This scholarship covers 100% of the course costs!

Our scholarships are intended to support those who (or their research groups in the case of PhDs) cannot otherwise afford our course. We believe there should be no financial barriers in academic excellency.

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